It is a
common misconception that there are no real emergencies in psychiatry.
The billowing white coat may be gone, but then so is the back-up of the arrest
team. Dealing with acute situations can feel like a lonely business, and doubts
about the best management of given situations may prevent you getting that
much-needed rest period.
As a
psychiatrist, you are primarily a doctor, and you should ensure that you are up
to date with basic resuscitation procedures. Familiarize yourself with the
procedures in place for the management of medical emergencies in your hospital,
as the level of on-site facilities will vary.
There is no
substitute for experience, but hopefully some of the guidance in the following
section (and the other pages they refer to) will allow a rational approach to a
number of common (and not so common) difficult and urgent situations in a
psychiatric setting.
Keep the
following principles in mind:
- Always ensure your own and
other staff’s safety.
- If necessary facilities or
expertise are not available, make appropriate arrangements to get the
patient to them as soon as possible.
- Always suspect (and as far as
possible exclude) potential organic causes for psychiatric presentations.
- Remember—patient
confidentiality does not override issues of threatened harm to themselves
or other individuals.
- Always make the fullest
assessment possible—do not fail to ask about important issues just because
you feel a person may not wish to talk about them.
- Ensure that you have the best
quality information available. If other sources of information are
available (e.g. previous notes, third-party information), use them!
- Don’t dawdle—if a situation
requires immediate action, act.
- Do not assume anything.
If in doubt, consult a senior colleague. Remember you are part of a team,
and if there is a difficult decision to make, do not make it alone.
- Clearly record your
assessment, decisions made (and reasons), and the names of any
other colleagues involved or consulted. Legally, if it’s not been
recorded, it’s not been done.
- Speak to the staff who
originated the call.
- Obtain as much information as
possible about the situation prior to seeing the patient.
- Establish what your expected
role is.
- Keep your own safety
uppermost in your mind (no heroics).
- Attempt to put the patient at
their ease; explain who you are and why you have been asked to speak to
- Be clear in any questions you
need to ask.
- Elicit useful information.
- Achieve a safe, dignified
resolution of the situation.
- Be conscious of both verbal
and non-verbal language.
- Listen
actively—assimilate and understand what is actually being said and
interpret the various underlying meanings and messages.
- Feedback—go
back over what the patient has said with them to assure them that you
understand what they are saying.
- Empathy—show
you appreciate them sharing their thoughts, feelings, and motives.
- Content
and feeling—note any difference between what is said verbally and what
message is really being given.
- Use checkpoint
summaries—brief reviews of the main points discussed, about issues, and
any demands.
- Use open questions to give
the patient an opportunity to ventilate what is on their mind (this may
help relieve tension, keep the patient talking, and allow you to assess
the mental state).
- Listen carefully to what the
patient is saying. This may provide further clues as to their actions. It
also demonstrates concern for the patient’s problem.
- Be honest, up front, and
sincere—develop a trusting relationship.
- Be neutral—avoid approval or
disapproval unless necessary.
- Orientate the patient to
looking for alternative solutions together, without telling them how to
act (unless asked).
- Try to divert any negative
train of thought.
- Check with other team members
before making any commitments.
- If the police have been
called, present the reason for their presence realistically, but
- Do not involve family members
in negotiations.
The patient responding to paranoid ideas/delusions
- Avoid prolonged eye contact
and do not get too close.
- The patient’s need to explain
may allow you to establish a degree of rapport. Allow them to talk, but
try to stay with concrete topics.
- Do not try to argue them out
of their delusions—ally yourself with their perspective without sounding
insincere (e.g. ‘What you are saying is that you believe . . . x . . . y .
. . z’).
- Avoid using family members
who may be part of the delusional system.
- Try to distance yourself from
what may have happened in the past (e.g. ‘I’m sorry that was your
experience before . . . maybe this time we could manage things better. .
- Be aware that your offer of
help may well be rejected.
The patient with antisocial traits
- A degree of flattery may
facilitate discussion of alternative solutions (show you understand their
need to communicate, how important their opinions are, your desire to work
together to resolve things).
- Encourage them to talk about
what has led up to this situation.
- Try to convince them that
other ways of achieving their aims will be to their advantage—keep any
negotiation reality-oriented.
- Focus their attention on you
as the means to achieve their aims.
The patient with borderline traits
- Provide ‘understanding’ and
‘uncritical acceptance’.
- Help them find a way to sort
things out without having ‘failed again’.
- Try to build self-esteem
(e.g. ‘You have done well coping with everything up to now. . .’)
- Once trust is gained, it may
be possible to be more directive.
- Use the patient’s desire to
be accepted (e.g. ‘I really think it would be best if we. . .’).
- Bear in mind that often the behavior
will be attention-seeking, and it may be worth asking: ‘What is it you
feel you need just now?’
- Do not be surprised if the
patient acts impulsively.
The depressed patient
- Psychomotor retardation may
slow response time—be patient.
- The presence of friends or
relatives may worsen their feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
- Focus on the ‘here and
now’—avoid talking abstractly.
- Acknowledge that they
probably cannot imagine a positive future.
- Be honest and
straightforward—once rapport has been established, it may be appropriate
to be explicitly directive.
- Try to postpone the patient’s
plans, rather than dismiss them (e.g. ‘Let’s try this . . . and see how
you feel in the morning . . .’).
- Be prepared to repeat
The patient experiencing acute stress
- Allow ventilation of
- Try to get them to describe
events as objectively as possible.
- Have them go back over the
options they have ruled out.
- Review the description of
events, and present a more objective, rational perspective.
psychiatric wards, the most likely means of attempted self-poisoning involves
building up a stock of prescribed medication or bringing into the ward tablets
to be taken at a later date (e.g. while out on pass). Often patients will
volunteer to trusted nursing staff that they have taken an overdose, or staff
will notice the patient appears overtly drowsy and when challenged the patient
admits to overdose.
- Try to ascertain the type and
quantity of tablets taken (look for empty bottles, medication strips,
- Establish the likely
- If patient is unconscious or
significantly drowsy, arrange immediate transfer to emergency medical
services. Inform medical team of patient’s diagnosis, current mental
state, current status (informal/ formal), any other regular medications.
- If patient asymptomatic, but
significant overdose suspected, arrange immediate transfer to emergency
- Do not
try to induce vomiting.
- If
available, consider giving activated charcoal (single dose of 50g with
water) to reduce absorption (esp. if NSAIDs or paracetamol).
- If patient asymptomatic, and
significant overdose unlikely:
- Monitor
closely (general observations, level of consciousness, evidence of
nausea/vomiting, other possible signs of poisoning).
- If
paracetamol or salicylate (aspirin) suspected: perform routine bloods
(FBC, U&Es, LFTs, HCO3, INR) and request specific blood levels (4hr
post-ingestion level for paracetamol).
- If
other psychiatric medications may have been taken, consider urgent blood
levels (e.g. lithium, anticonvulsants—see b p. 928).
- Be
aware that LFTs may be abnormal in patient on antipsychotic or
antidepressant medication.
- If in
doubt, get advice, or arrange for medical assessment.
Most episodes
of deliberate self-harm involve superficial self-inflicted injury (e.g.
scratching, cutting, burning, scalding) to the body or limbs. These may be
easily treated on the ward with little fuss (to avoid secondary reinforcement
of behavior).
- Any more significant injuries
(e.g. stabbing, deep lacerations) should be referred to emergency medical
services, with the patient returning to the psychiatric ward as soon as
medically fit.
- Medical advice should also be
sought if:
- You do
not feel sufficiently competent to suture minor lacerations.
- Lacerations
are to the face/other vulnerable areas (e.g. genitals) or where you
cannot confirm absence of damage to deeper structures (e.g. nerves, blood
vessels, tendons).
- The
patient has swallowed/inserted sharp objects into their body (e.g.
vagina, anus).
- The
patient has ingested potentially harmful chemicals.
Most victims
of attempted hangings in hospitals do not use a strong enough noose or
sufficient drop height to cause death through spinal cord injury (‘judicial
hanging’). Cerebral hypoxia through asphyxiation is the probable cause of death
and should be the primary concern in treatment of this patient population.
On being
summoned to the scene
- Support
the patient’s weight (if possible enlist help).
- Loosen/cut
off ligature.
- Lower
patient to flat surface, ensuring external stabilization of the neck and
begin usual basic resuscitation (ABCs, IV access, etc.).
- Emergency
airway management is a priority:
- Where
available, administer 100% O2.
- If
competent and indicated: use nasal or oral endotracheal intubation.
- Assess
conscious level, full neurological examination, and degree of injury to
soft tissues of the neck.
- Arrange
transfer to emergency medical services as soon as possible.
Points to
- Aggressive
resuscitation and treatment of post-anoxic brain injury is indicated
even in patients without evident neurological signs.
- Cervical
spine fractures should be considered if there is a possibility of a
several foot drop or evidence of focal neurological deficit.
- Injury
to the anterior soft tissues of the neck may cause respiratory
obstruction. Close attention to the development of pulmonary
complications is required.
This covers a
vast range of presentations, but will usually represent a qualitative acute
change in a person’s normal behavior, that manifests primarily as antisocial behavior—e.g.
shouting, screaming, increased (often disruptive/intrusive) activity,
aggressive outbursts, threatening violence (to others or self).
In extreme
circumstances (e.g. person threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a
height [out of a window, off a roof], where the person has an offensive weapon,
or a hostage situation), this is a police matter and your
responsibility does not extend to risking your own or other people’s lives in
trying to deal with the situation.
- Acute confusional states (see
delirium b p. 790).
- Drug/alcohol intoxication.
- Acute symptoms of psychiatric
disorder (anxiety/panic, b p. 358, mania, b p. 310,
schizophrenia/other psychotic disorders, b p. 186).
- ‘Challenging behavior’ in
brain-injured or LD patients (b p. 766).
- Behavior unrelated to primary
psychiatric disorder—this may reflect personality disorder, abnormal
personality traits, or situational stressors (e.g. frustration).
- Sources of information will
vary depending on the setting (e.g. on the ward, in outpatients, emergency
assessment of new patient). Try to establish the context in which the behavior
has arisen.
- Follow the general principles
outlined on b p. 990.
- Look for evidence of possible
psychiatric disorder.
- Look for evidence of possible
physical disorder.
- Try to establish any possible
triggers for the behavior— environmental/interpersonal stressors, use of
drugs/alcohol, etc.
This will
depend upon assessment made:
- If physical cause suspected:
- Follow
management of delirium (b p. 790).
- Consider
use of sedative medication (see b p. 990) to allow proper
examination, facilitate transfer to medical care (if indicated), or to
allow active (urgent) medical management.
- If psychiatric cause
- Consider
pharmacological management of acute behavioral disturbance (see b p.
- Consider
need for compulsory detention.
- Review
current management plan, including observation level.
- If no physical or psychiatric
cause suspected, and behavior is dangerous or seriously irresponsible,
inform security or the police to have person removed from the premises
(and possibly charged if a criminal offence has been committed, e.g.
assault, damage to property).
approach to severe behavioral disturbance
There are
often local protocols for rapid tranquillization and for control and restraint
and these should be followed where available. In situations requiring rapid
tranquillization or control and restraint, discuss management with a senior
colleague as soon as possible.
In the guide
(Box 24.1) the doses quoted are appropriate for young, physically fit patients
who have previously received antipsychotic medication. In patients who are
elderly, have physical health problems, or are ‘antipsychotic naıïve’, dosage
should at least be halved (refer to BNF for further guidance).
- Over-sedation causing loss of
consciousness or alertness.
- Compromise of airway.
- Cardiovascular or respiratory
collapse (raised risk where there is stress or extreme emotion or extreme
physical exertion).
- Interaction with prescribed
or illicit medication.
- Damage to therapeutic
- Other (related or
coincidental) physical disorders (e.g. congenital prolonged QTc syndromes,
patient on medication lengthening QTc).
- Follow local protocols where
these are available.
- Document all
- Have a low threshold for
obtaining senior advice.
- Always prescribe oral and IM
doses separately to avoid confusion.
- Do not use two different
drugs of the same class for rapid tranquillization.
- Document maximum total daily
dose and maximum dosage frequency on the prescription kardex.
- Do not mix medications in the
same syringe.
- Respiration, pulse, and blood
pressure should be monitored within an hour of drug administration and
regularly thereafter.
- Look for extra-pyramidal
side-effects, particularly acute dystonia
- Remember: fatalities have
occurred during emergency restraint.
emergency medication for acute behavioral disturbance is essentially treatment
under common law (b p. 874). The justification rests on the judgement that
no other management options are likely to be effective, and that
tranquillization will prevent the patient harming themselves or others. Harm
may include behavior that is likely to endanger the physical health of the
patient (e.g. not consenting to urgent treatment or investigations that are
likely to be life-saving) when capacity to give consent is judged to be
impaired (b p. 872).
catatonic patient
Catatonia is
certainly less common in current clinical practice, thanks to the advent of
effective treatments for many psychiatric disorders and earlier interventions.
Nonetheless, the clinical presentation may be a cause for concern, particularly
when a previously alert and oriented patient becomes mute and immobile. The
bizarre motor presentations (e.g. posturing) may also raise concerns about a serious
acute neurological problem (hence these patients may be encountered in a
medical/liaison setting), and it is important that signs of catatonia are
recognized. Equally, the ‘excited’ forms may be associated with sudden death
(‘lethal’ or ‘malignant’ catatonia), which may be
Characteristic signs
- Mutism
- Posturing
- Negativism
- Staring
- Rigidity
- Echopraxia/echolalia
Typical forms
- Stuporous/retarded
- Excited/delirious
- Mood disorder More
commonly associated with mania (accounts for up to 50% of cases) than
depression. Often referred to as manic (or depressive) stupor (or
- General medical
disorder Often associated with delirium:
- Metabolic
- Endocrine
- Viral
infections (including HIV)
- Typhoid
- Heat
- Autoimmune
- Drug-related
(antipsychotics, dopaminergic drugs, recreational drugs, BDZ withdrawal,
opiate intoxication)
- Neurological disorders
- Postencephalitic
- Parkinsonism
- Seizure
disorder (e.g. non-convulsive status epilepticus)
- Bilateral
globus pallidus disease
- Lesions
of the thalamus or parietal lobes
- Frontal
lobe disease
- General
- Schizophrenia (10–15% of
cases) Classically catalepsy, mannerisms, posturing, and mutism (see catatonic
schizophrenia, b p. 179).
§ Elective
mutism Usually associated with pre-existing personality disorder, clear
stressor, no other catatonic features, unresponsive to lorazepam.
§ Stroke
Mutism associated with focal neurological signs and other stroke risk
factors. ‘Locked-in’ syndrome (lesions of ventral pons and cerebellum) is
characterized by mutism and total immobility (apart from vertical eye movements
and blinking). The patient will often try to communicate.
§ Stiff-person
syndrome Painful spasms brought on by touch, noise, or emotional stimuli
(may respond to baclofen, which can induce catatonia).
§ Malignant
hyperthermia Occurs following exposure to anaesthetics and muscle
relaxants in predisposed individuals (b p. 956).
§ Akinetic
Parkinsonism Usually in patients with a history of Parkinsonian symptoms
and dementia—may display mutism, immobility, and posturing. May respond to
anticholinergics, not BDZs.
§ Malignant
catatonia Acute onset of excitement, delirium, fever, autonomic
instability, and catalepsy—may be fatal.
- Full history (often from
third-party sources), including recent drug exposure, recent stressors,
known medical/psychiatric conditions.
- Physical examination
(including full neurological).
- Investigations—temperature,
BP, pulse, FBC, U&Es, LFTs, glucose, TFTs, cortisol, prolactin,
consider CT/MRI and EEG.
- Symptomatic treatment of
catatonia will allow you to assess any underlying disorder more fully
(i.e. you will actually be able to talk to the patient).
- Best evidence for use of BDZs
(e.g. lorazepam 500 mcg–1mg oral/ IM—if effective, given regularly
thereafter), barbiturates (e.g. amobarbital [amytal] 50–100 mg), and ECT.
- Alone or in combination these
effectively relieve catatonic symptoms regardless of severity or aetiology
in 70–80% of cases.1,2
- Address any underlying
medical or psychiatric disorder.
is a term that is generally used pejoratively, although some ethologists regard
manipulative behavior as ‘selfish but adaptive’ (i.e. the means by which we use
others to further our own aims—which may be entirely laudable). In the context
of psychiatric (and other medical) settings, manipulative behaviors are usually
maladaptive and include:
- Inappropriate or unreasonable
- More of
your time than any other patient receives.
- Wanting
to deal with a specific doctor.
- Only
willing to accept one particular course of action (e.g. admission to
hospital, a specific medication or other form of
- Behavioral sequelae of
failing to have these demands met:
- Claims
of additional symptoms they failed to mention previously.
- Veiled
or explicit threats of self-harm, lodging formal complaints, litigation,
or violence.
- Passive
resistance (refusing to leave until satisfied with outcome of
- Verbal
or physical abuse of staff/damage to property.
- Actual
formal complaints relating to treatment (received or refused), or false
accusations of misconduct against medical staff.
- Patients DO have the right to
expect appropriate assessment, care, and relief of distress.
- Doctors DO have the right to
refuse a course of action they judge to be inappropriate.
- Action should always be a
response to clinical need (based on a thorough assessment, diagnosis, and
best evidence for management), NOT threats or other manipulative behaviors.
- It is entirely possible that
a patient who demonstrates manipulative behavior DOES have a genuine
problem (it is only their way of seeking help that is inappropriate).
- Some of the most difficult
patients tend to present at ‘awkward’ times (e.g. the end of the working
day, early hours of the morning, weekends, public holidays, intake of new
staff)—this is no accident!
- Admitting a patient to
hospital overnight (when you are left with no other option) is not a
failure—some patients are very good at engineering this outcome. At worst
it reinforces inappropriate coping behaviors in the patient. (Critical
colleagues would probably have done the same themselves in similar
- If you have any doubts about
what course of action to take, consult a senior colleague and discuss the
case with them.
Ask the patient what they think is the main problem.
- Ask the patient what they
were hoping you could do for them, e.g.
- Advice
about what course of action to take.
- Wanting
their problem to be ‘taken seriously’.
- Wanting
to be admitted to hospital.
- Wanting
a specific treatment.
- Discuss with them your
opinion of the best course of action, and establish whether they are
willing to accept any alternatives offered (e.g. other agencies,
outpatient treatment).
- The ‘frequent
attender’/chronic case
- Do not
take short cuts—always fully assess current mental state and make a risk
- When
available—always check previous notes, any written care plan, or ‘crisis
- Establish
the reason for presenting now (i.e. what has changed in
their current situation).
- Ask
yourself ‘Is the clinical presentation significantly different so as to
warrant a change to the previously agreed treatment plan?’
- If not,
go with what has been laid out in the treatment plan.
Try not to take your own frustrations (e.g. being busy, feeling
‘dumped on’ by other colleagues, lack of sleep, lack of information, vague
histories) into an interview with a patient—your job is to make an objective
assessment of the person’s mental state and to treat each case you see on its
own merits.
Try not to allow any preconceptions or the opinions of other
colleagues colour your assessment of the current problems the patient presents
with (people and situations have a tendency to change with time, and what may
have been true in the past may no longer be the case).
Watch out for the patient who appeals to your vanity by saying
things like: ‘You’re much better than that other psychiatrist I saw . . . I can
really talk to you . . . I feel you really understand’. They probably initially
said the same things to ‘that other psychiatrist’ too!
Do not be drawn into being openly critical of other colleagues;
remember you are only hearing one side of the story. Maintain a healthy regard
for the professionalism of those you work beside— respect their opinions (even
if you really don’t agree with them).
If you encounter a particularly difficult patient, enlist the
support of a colleague and conduct the assessment jointly.
NEVER acquiesce to a ‘private’ consultation with a patient of the
opposite sex; do not make ‘special’ arrangements; and NEVER give out personal
information or allow patients to contact you directly.
Patient demanding medication
- There are really only two
scenarios where there is an urgent need for medication:
- The
patient who is acutely unwell and requires admission to hospital anyway
(e.g. with acute confusion, acute psychotic symptoms, severe depression,
high risk of suicide).
- The
patient who is known and has genuinely run out of their
usual medication (for whom a small supply may be dispensed to tide them
over until they can obtain a repeat prescription).
Patient demanding immediate admission
- Clarify what the patient
hopes to achieve by admission, and decide whether this could be reasonably
achieved, or if other agencies are better placed to meet these requests
(see b p. 6).
- If the patient is demanding
admission due to drug/alcohol dependence, emphasize the need for clear
motivation to stop, and offer to arrange outpatient follow-up (the next
day) (see b p. 556).
- Always ask about any recent
trouble with the police; it is not uncommon for hospital to be sought as a
‘sanctuary’ from an impending court appearance (but remember this can be a
significant stressor for patients with current psychiatric problems).
Demanding relatives/other advocates
- Assess the patient on their
own initially, but allow those attending with the patient to have their
say (this may clarify the ‘why now’ question, particularly if it involves
the breakdown of usual social supports).
- Ask the patient for their
consent to discuss the outcome of your consultation with those
accompanying them (to avoid misunderstandings and improve compliance with
the proposed treatment plan).
Patient ‘raising the stakes’
- If a patient is dissatisfied
with the outcome of your consultation, they may try a number of ways to
change your mind (see b p. 994); they may even explicitly say:
‘What do I have to do to convince you?’ before resorting to other
manipulative behaviors.
- This type of response only
serves to confirm any suspicions of attempted manipulation and should be
recorded as such in the notes (verbatim if possible).
- Stick to your original
management plan, and if the behavior becomes passively, verbally, or
physically aggressive, clearly inform them that unless they desist, you
will have no other option than to have them removed (by the police,
if necessary).
- Equally, any threats of
violence towards individuals present during the interview or elsewhere
should be dealt with seriously and the police (and the individual
concerned) should be informed—patient
Suspected factitious illness
- Try to obtain corroboration
of the patient’s story (or confirmation of your suspicions) from
third-party sources (e.g. GP, relative, previous notes, including other
hospitals they claim to have been seen at).
- If your suspicions are
confirmed, directly feed this information back to the patient, and clearly
inform them of what course of action you plan to take (e.g. recording this
in their notes, informing other agencies, etc.).
- Do not feel ‘defeated’ if you
decide to admit them to hospital. Record your suspicions in the notes and
inform the psychiatric team that the reason for admission is to assess how
clinically significant the reported symptoms are (it will soon become clear
in a ward environment and it may take time to obtain third-party sources).
Patient threatening suicide by telephone
- Keep the person talking
(see b p. 984).
- Try to elicit useful
information (name, where they are calling from, what they plan to do, risk
to anyone else).
- If you judge the patient to
be at high risk of suicide, encourage them to come to hospital—if they
refuse or are unable to do so, organize for emergency services to go to
their location and bring them to hospital.
- If the patient refuses to
give you any information, inform the police who may have other means to
determine the source of the call and respond.
- Always document phone calls
in the same way as you would any other patient contact (see Closure).
- Clearly document your
assessment, any discussion with senior colleagues, the outcome, and any
treatment plan.
- Record the
agreement/disagreement of the patient and any other persons attending with
- If appropriate, provide the
patient with written information (e.g. appointment details, other contact
numbers) to ensure clear communication.
- Ensure that you have informed
any other necessary parties (e.g. keyworkers/psychiatric team already
involved with the patient, source of referral—which may be the GP, other
carers, social workers, etc.).
- If the assessment occurs out
of hours, make arrangements for information to be passed on to the
relevant parties in the morning (ideally try to do this yourself).
- If you have suggested
outpatient follow-up for a new patient, make sure you have a means of
contacting the patient, to allow the relevant service to make arrangements
to see them as planned.
- If you think it is likely the
patient will re-present to other services, inform them of your contact
with the patient and the outcome of your assessment.
The treating
doctor has a responsibility to consider the welfare not only of their patient,
but also of the patient’s dependants (in most cases, their children). Where
there are concerns relating to the welfare of children, this responsibility may
be discharged both through actions you take yourself (e.g. admitting the
patient to hospital), and through involvement of appropriate statutory agencies
(e.g. child and family social services). Each case should be individually
assessed; however, a number of scenarios can be recognized:
- Necessary absence When a
patient is brought into hospital (e.g. for emergency assessment) the
admitting doctor should clarify whether they have dependent children, and
if so, what arrangements have been made for their care. If these are
unsatisfactory, or are disconcertingly vague (e.g. ‘with a friend’), child
and family social services should be consulted.
- Neglect of childcare
responsibilities In some circumstances, as a result of mental
disorder, patients’ ability to provide the appropriate level of physical
or emotional care may be impaired. This may relate to functional
impairments (e.g. poor memory), continuing symptomatology (and medication
side-effects), or dependence on drugs or alcohol. Having a mental disorder
does not preclude being a parent—what is important is that individual
patients receive appropriate assessment to ascertain the type of
additional support they may need and the level of monitoring required.
- Risk of positive harm to
child Certain disorders carry the risk of harm to the child by acts
of commission, rather than omission. These
- Psychotic disorders in which
the patient holds abnormal beliefs about their child.
- Severe depressive disorder
with suicidal ideas, which involve killing the child (usually for
altruistic reasons).
- Drug misuse where there are
drugs or drug paraphernalia left carelessly in the child’s environment.
In certain
situations, doctors are faced with deciding whether or not to act against a
patient’s stated wishes. This most commonly occurs when:
- A patient does not consent to
a particular treatment plan.
- A patient wishes to leave
hospital, despite medical advice that this is not in their best interests.
- Some common clinical
scenarios are discussed in Box 24.3 (see b p. 1002).
- An adult has the right to
refuse treatment or to leave hospital should they wish.
- Doctors have a responsibility
to discuss what they are proposing with the patient fully, to ensure that
the patient is informed of the options, risks, and the preferred
management (but not to enforce or coerce).
In some
circumstances, doctors have the power to act without the patient’s consent or
override a patient’s expressed wishes when:
- Consent cannot be obtained in
an emergency situation and treatment may be given
under common law (b p. 974).
- A patient’s capacity is
either temporarily or permanently impaired (b p. 970) and they are
unable to give informed consent. The responsible doctor
should act in the patient’s best interest (b p.
874)—consider treatment using incapacity legislation (b pp. 876–9).
- They are suffering from a
mental disorder and their capacity to take decisions is impaired. Use of
the MHA may be necessary to ensure their own (or other persons’) safety.
to note
- When a capable patient
disagrees with a proposed course of action, this should be recorded
clearly in the notes (with the reasons given by the patient). If this
involves discharge from hospital, a ‘discharge against medical advice’
form may be useful (as a written record of the patient’s decision), even
though such forms have no special legal status.
- In emergency situations, the
definition of ‘mental disorder’ is that of a layperson, not whether ICD-10
or DSM-IV criteria are satisfied.
- Incapacity legislation does
not allow for detention in hospital; equally detention under the MHA does
not allow for compulsory treatment of physical disorders.
- Always consider the balance
of risks: ask yourself ‘what am I more likely to be criticized (or sued)
- Although the final decision in
non-mentally ill, capable adults rests with them, in ‘close-call’
situations it is better to err on the side of safety, and review again
later. (Such situations should always be discussed with a senior
custodiet ipsos custodes?’ Who will watch the watchmen?
In general,
doctors are in a pretty good state of health, with a lower prevalence of
smoking, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a longer life expectancy than the
general population. With respect to mental health, however, the situation is
reversed—with the incidence of most psychiatric disorders higher in
- Surveys have found 725%
of doctors to have significant depressive symptoms, with increased risk in:
junior house officers/interns; junior doctors in O&G and psychiatry;
radiologists, anaesthetists, surgeons, and paediatricians.
- Suicide rates are high, with
depression, alcohol, and drug misuse significant contributory factors.
Specialties over-represented include anaesthetics, GP, psychiatry, and
emergency medicine.
- Problems of drug and alcohol
dependence may affect as many as 1 in 15 doctors in the UK.
Individual factors
- Personality—many of the
qualities that make a ‘good doctor’ may also increase the risk of
psychiatric problems (e.g. obsessionality, perfectionism, being ambitious,
self-sacrifice, high expectations of self, low tolerance of uncertainty,
difficulty expressing emotions).
- Ways of thinking/coping
styles, e.g. being overly self-critical, denial, minimization,
rationalization, drinking culture, need to appear competent (‘no
Occupational factors
- Long and disruptive work
- Exposure to traumatic
events—dealing with death, ethical dilemmas.
- Lack of support (particularly
from senior colleagues).
- Competing needs of patients
and family.
- Increasing expectations with
diminishing resources.
- Professional and geographic
Doctors are
notoriously bad at seeking help for their own medical problems—particularly
psychiatric problems—often only presenting when a crisis arises. Reasons for
this include:
- Symptom concealment due to
fears of hospitalization, loss of medical registration, exposure to
- Negative attitudes to
psychiatry, psychiatrists, and people with psychiatric problems.
- Lack of insight being a
feature of many psychiatric disorders.
This may lead
to delayed referral, misdiagnosis, and not receiving the benefits of early
You have a
duty to yourself and your patients to act promptly if you feel there are early
warning signs that your health may be affecting your performance.
to watch out for
- Difficulties sleeping.
- Becoming more impatient or
- Difficulties concentrating.
- Being unable to make
- Drinking or smoking more.
- Not enjoying food as much.
- Being unable to relax or
‘switch off’.
- Feeling tense (may manifest
as somatic symptoms, e.g. recurrent headache, aches and pains, GI upset,
feeling sweaty, dry mouth, tachycardia).
good habits
- Learn to relax This can
involve learning methods of progressive relaxation, or simply setting
aside time when you are not working to relax with a long bath, a quiet
stroll, listening to music. It also means living life less
frantically—going to bed at a regular time and getting up 15–20min earlier
to prevent the feeling of ‘always being in a rush’.
- Take regular breaks at
work This includes regular meal breaks (away from work). Even when
work is busy, try to give yourself a 5–10min break every few hours.
- Escape the pager In the
day and age of being always obtainable, it is a good idea to be
‘unobtainable’ once or twice a week, to give yourself time to be alone and
- Exercise There is no
doubt that regular exercise helps reduce levels of stress. It will also
keep you fit, helps prevent heart disease, and improve quality of sleep.
- Drugs Tobacco and other
recreational drugs are best avoided. Caffeine and alcohol should be used
only in moderation.
- Distraction Finding a
pursuit that has no deadlines, no pressures, and which can be picked up or
left easily can allow you to forget about your usual stresses. This might
be a sport, a hobby, music, the movies, the theatre, or books. The
important point is that it is not workrelated.
your own medical care
- Register with a GP!
Two-thirds of junior doctors have not done this.
- Allow yourself to benefit from
the same standards of care (including expert assessment, if this is felt
to be necessary) you would expect for your patients.
- If you are having difficulties
related to stress, anxiety, depression, or use of substances, consult your
GP sooner rather than later.
- Be willing to take advice. In
particular, do not rely on your own judgement of your ability to continue
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2024